Wu's Education crew - Kathie, Rita, Wu and Paula. |
One of our favorite things is to meet interesting people from all over
the world. We will share an update on soon from our Clinical Intern, Dr. Ling-Min Wang. She came to us from Taiwan.
We'd like to introduce you to Wu Jian-Long, Dr. Wang's
husband. He is now a volunteer with our Education Crew. The public, TRC staff and volunteers are all benefiting by learning from him. We are so glad to
have him as a part of our team!
"Before coming to Minnesota, I have worked in
Endemic SpeciesResearch Institute in Nantou
County, Taiwan. I was an assistant at Ornithology Lab of the Institute. A lot
of ornithological research and forest restoration projects have been conducted
there. In recent years, some citizen science programs such as Breeding Bird Survey
Taiwan (BBS Taiwan), Monitoring Avian
Productivity and Survivorship in Taiwan
(MAPS Taiwan), Reptile Road Mortality, and so on, have been popularized by
staffs and volunteers of the Institute.
I am not an ornithologist but a keen birder. It was in 1996
that I started birdwatching when I was a senior high school student. Though having
birded in several countries in Pacific Asia and New Zealand, the
of the New World, namely the Americas, is unfamiliar to me. When I
arrived in Minnesota in March, I had seen almost 700 species of birds. On the
second weekend since I arrived, I saw an adult Bald Eagle sitting on a tree at
a side of the Mississippi River near the Minneapolis Campus of U of M, which
was my 699
th lifer species. Several days later, I put the Great
Horned Owl on my life list, the 700
th of mine. Thank Gail Buhl (our TRC Education Program Manager) for
taking Ling-Min and I to watch the owl family at her yard.

I do love raptors and hawkwatching. Moreover, I have participated
in some residential and migratory raptor surveys in Taiwan. Ling-Min and I are
both members of
Raptor Research Group of Taiwan. The aims
and objectives of RRGT are to research, watch, and conserve wild raptors. There
are 31 species of diurnal raptors and 13 species of owls on the checklist of
the birds of Taiwan. In every season of migration, hundreds of thousand raptors
fly across Taiwan to their breeding territories or wintering grounds. Hope to
share you more about raptors and other avifauna in Taiwan."