Curt at the Care and Management of Captive
Raptors Workshop |
Today is our last installment of Guest Blogger
Tuesday in July. We hope you’ve enjoyed
hearing from these amazing people, and we look forward to featuring more inspirational
stories like theirs in the future.
We asked a former participant of our professional
workshops, Curt LeVan, 2011 Care and Management of Captive Raptors, to share
what he’s done with the training he received at TRC. We believe that training
the future leaders in raptor medicine and conservation is an important part of
addressing the shared environmental challenges for humans and raptors. We thank Curt so much for writing about how his work is making a difference
in another part of the country.
Curt’s story: “Back in 2011 I had
already spent several years volunteering with a raptor rehabilitation facility
near my home in Virginia but was disappointed that it mainly involved simple
feeding and cage cleaning. Looking to gain more advanced skills, I attended The
Raptor Center's workshop on Care and Management of Captive Raptors. At this
workshop I particularly benefited from the mornings spent working with the vets
in the clinic as this gave me hands-on experience treating raptors. Also, the
high quality of care at The Raptor Center encouraged me to consider creating my
own facility based on similar standards.
Virginia requires a two-year rehabilitation apprenticeship and it is difficult
to find a raptor sponsor. Eventually I made contact with the Wildlife Center of
Virginia and they agreed to sponsor me, although they were located more than
two hours away. After many hours on the road I completed my apprenticeship and
now have both the federal and state permits. I'm sure that without the
experience at The Raptor Center I wouldn't have had the motivation to get
started down this road and now I'm happily planning ahead for a barn owl
Last night I entered a raptor cage
and discovered a fledgling, one of four barn owls which are the first raptors
I've taken in under my own federal rehabilitation permit. The four owlets
came to me when the silo which contained their nest was torn down and the
parents could not be located. When they are old enough I will need to work with
local farmers to find a suitable release location. It took me nearly five years to get to this point but I'm
excited that this day has arrived.”