Friday, February 28, 2014

Update on 40th Raptor Clinic Patient

Thank you to all who posted their best wishes for our 40th clinic patient of the year, an adult female bald eagle from Dakota County.  As you may know, she suffered from lead toxicity, a problem shared by an average of over 30% of the bald eagles admitted annually to our clinic.  Unfortunately, two small lead pellets had been in her stomach long enough to cause permanent damage to her heart, vision, and the function of other body systems.  She did not survive.

We continue to message the importance of lead alternatives in choice of ammunition.  This eagle very likely ingested the lead pellets from a carcass and the lead was then absorbed and circulated throughout her body.

We are deeply grateful for a community committed to helping raptors. A special thanks to those who contact us when an injured raptor is found and, even better, bring it directly to us. Your support of our work truly makes a difference to all of the sick and injured raptors who get a second chance at life.

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